Aug 26, 2021Liked by The Science of Hitting

Great O365 SKU update! Not sure about MSFT, but I'm starting to feel that in a few years people will start to get irritated by the whole SaaS/subscription model. Anecdotally whenever I see a Teams or WebEx invite, I sort of cringe because I prefer Zoom at this point. As an investor I totally understand trying to buy cheap 'annuities' but as a consumer I'm starting to dislike it. I have a large position in $UI because they sell license-free networking and video cameras. On the enterprise side, Cisco/Meraki have a boat load of licensing fees and equipment becomes a dead brick if they aren't paid, which strikes me as a bit unfair. For security cameras I've unsubscribed from Arlo since I feel the fees are unreasonable for a simple job of storing camera footage and $UI has no monthly data storage fee. At some point if fees become unreasonable and products don't add value there will be a customer revolt. "There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."- Sam Walton

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Hi Tony,

Thanks for the kind words on the update.

"At some point if fees become unreasonable and products don't add value there will be a customer revolt."

Completely agreed. A key part of the "key competitive advantage" discussed above is Microsoft delivering on their end of the bargain as well (useful new applications and continued updates / added features on the legacy applications). Thankfully, with this management team, I'm quite confident they will continue to focus on what truly matters. (It shows in the business results over the past 5+ years.)

Again, thanks for the kind words. Have a great day Tony!

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Your comment made me realize I can like and comment on these! lol Office go brrrrrrrrrr

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